This Help Desk

  • Our Sophomore Effort

    My wife hates this one (Mountain Dew is apparently not good for me).  I love it.

    I want to say thanks to everyone for their support.  For a week now we’ve had one comic up and a surprising amount of traffic and positive feedback.  I hope we can continue to please and improve.

    We should be getting a link up on here, but in the meantime you can become a fan of This Help Desk on Facebook at – please become a fan, we’ll be adding more ‘behind the scenes’ stuff there as time goes on.

    You can also follow us on Twitter:  I think that’s enough self promotion for now.

    I hope the coming year treats you well.

  • Needs of the Geek

    When throwing a party… consider the needs of the geek.

  • A New Hope

    And so begins the comic creation of Jake and Jason, hereby known as “This Help Desk”.  Jason is the artist.  Jake is the writer – or perhaps I prefer the dubious title of Idea Man.

    To say I am excited would be nothing short of heresy.  This is the kind of project I have wanted to undertake for the better part of my adult life, and to be working with Jason, a person whose talent I have admired since before I was an adult is more than just the icing on the cake – it’s the cake itself.

    I want this to be a positive and fun place, and hope that it will draw like minded people to it.

    With our ambitions happily unchecked, we begin what I hope to be a great chapter in my own life, Jason’s life, as well as the lives of many yet-undiscovered friends.


  • And So It Begins

    Thank you for checking out This Help Desk, the creative result of Jake Hendriksen and Jason Rushton (me).  This project has been a while in the making.  We had gone over several ideas on how we might share our talents and ideas with those that may share similar interests, and this web-comic has become that realization.

    It is good to be working on this with my good friend.  I am entertained by his writing style and am excited to be able to create a visual representation of his wit.

    Please enjoy.

  • Lost Cause

    Some people are a lost cause.