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Mountain Dew Typhoon

While at the grocery store last week, I was excited to see that, yet again, we are blessed with the appearance of three new Mountain Dew flavors.  As the biggest Mountain Dew fan I know, I feel it is my responsibility to give reviews of these new flavors, to let others know the worth of their consumption.

The first of these new flavors to be critiqued will be Mountain Dew Typhoon, “Punch of Tropical Dew”.  As the name suggests, this Mountain Dew flavor is chock-full of…you guessed it, typhoon!  What does a typhoon taste like you ask?  Well, to me, it seems to be a special blend of passion fruit, guava, a little pineapple, a hint of red 40 and yellow 5 (it would not taste like Mountain Dew without yellow 5).

And, may I suggest that this beverage goes very well with foods barbecued.  Sitting in the backyard, grillin’ up some burgers or chicken with a Mountain Dew Typhoon in hand, you will not be disappointed with the tropical goodness this drink will offer.

So, my way of concluding whether or not this really is a great flavor is by asking: “Would I buy a 12-pack of this stuff?  And if so, how many 12-packs will I stock up on?”  And my answer is: Yes, I would buy a 12-pack of this; and I would probably stock up on two 12-packs.  Let this start my new rating system giving this flavor a 2, out of 4, 12-packs.






2 responses to “Mountain Dew Typhoon”

  1. Lori Avatar

    Jason, you have serious issues!

  2. […] to continue with my new rating system introduced last week, I give give this Dew a 1, out of 4, 12-packs. […]

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